IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

English13  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

tile  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

1. Hi How Are You by Minifanfan Eng | 2. Aviator sculpture by crescent hill designs | 3. Wilmot the Whale by heartwares | 4. Grobb by RunnyCustard | 5. Handmade Spun Cotton Pug Ornament by OldWorldPrimitives | 6. Industrial and Found Object Assemblage Sculpture from CyberCraft Robots | 7. Fennel by Tiny Oyster Designs

Oh dear, the creatures that dwell into your brains are really singular guys!!

Saying you have a vivid imagination is an understatement. I think it’s also dressed with a (healthy) pinch of madness.

And you perfectly know that I love you for this!

Can’t describe all the little things I like of these works (the post will become endless), simply amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us in the group.

Happy week end my little geniuses, today I’ll observe you from the beach… I bet you, be good! ;)

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Italiano13  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

tile  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

1. Hi How Are You by Minifanfan Eng | 2. Aviator sculpture by crescent hill designs | 3. Wilmot the Whale by heartwares | 4. Grobb by RunnyCustard | 5. Handmade Spun Cotton Pug Ornament by OldWorldPrimitives | 6. Industrial and Found Object Assemblage Sculpture from CyberCraft Robots | 7. Fennel by Tiny Oyster Designs

Oh mamma, le creature che albergano le vostre menti sono davvero singolari ragazzi!!

Dire che avete una vivida immaginazione è un eufemismo. E credo sia pure condita da una (sana) dose di follia.

Lo sapete perfettamente che io vi amo per questo!

Non posso soffermarmi a descrivere tutte le piccole cose che mi hanno colpito di questi lavori (diventerebbe un articolo lunghissimo), meravigliosi! Grazie di condividerli con tutti noi nel gruppo.

Un felice week end miei piccoli geni, oggi vi osserverò dalla spiaggia… fate i bravi! ;)

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IB Flickr Group picks: Enhancing the beauty of creativity

EnglishAurora boreale handmade  IB Flickr Group picks: Enhancing the beauty of creativity

beautiful photos2  IB Flickr Group picks: Enhancing the beauty of creativity

1. Aurora Boreal (collaborative work) photo by Andrea Posada Escobar | 2. Painting by ital_vita | 3. Willow orbs by ArtisOn | 4. Raspberry Triometric Headband by Mayi Carles | 5. A beleza das flores by Lidia Luz | 6. Dandelion papercut wedding invitation by woodland papercuts

The Aurora Borealis is simply a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

I love the atmosphere and the colors, and how these photographs enhance the beauty of the creative works they’re showing.

Wish you a super colorful and dreaming week end!

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ItalianoAurora boreale handmade  IB Flickr Group picks: Enhancing the beauty of creativity

beautiful photos2  IB Flickr Group picks: Enhancing the beauty of creativity

1. Aurora Boreal (collaborative work) photo by Andrea Posada Escobar | 2. Painting by ital_vita | 3. Willow orbs by ArtisOn | 4. Raspberry Triometric Headband by Mayi Carles | 5. A beleza das flores by Lidia Luz | 6. Dandelion papercut wedding invitation by woodland papercuts

L’ Aurora Boreale è semplicemente f.a.n.t.a.s.t.i.c.a.

Adorabili l’atmosfera e i colori, e il modo in cui queste bellissime foto riescono ad esaltare la bellezza delle creazioni artistiche che mostrano.

Vi auguro un week end pieno di colore e di sogno!

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IB Flickr Group picks: Knit and Crochet love

EnglishSenza titolo 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Knit and Crochet love

tile4  IB Flickr Group picks: Knit and Crochet love
1. Crochet pebble by Reino Já Cheguei | 2. Mini bows tiny crochet by cornflowerbluestudio| 3. Amigurumi crochet telephone by zuperdzigh | 4. Bookmark animal series by DesaBoneka | 5. Crocheted shapes by sheepdeer | 6. Chevron cushion cover by A Crooked Sixpence | 7. Crocheted mushroom by Cimba

A bit late, but here!

Here’s my weekly picks, this time I’ve choosen my fav among the best knitted and crocheted works.

* Little tip
Works that are published here on IB are always choosen paying attention to the quality and the originality of the creation, but also to the quality and beauty of the photo itself.

Remember that the way you present your works is one of the most important thing, above all on the web.

Then a great photo attracts attention, gives a great first impression and makes people (and so bloggers too) love what they’re seeing, and it will be much more likely they’ll want to publish and share it to their readers and friends.

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ItalianoSenza titolo 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Knit and Crochet love

tile4  IB Flickr Group picks: Knit and Crochet love
1. Crochet pebble by Reino Já Cheguei | 2. Mini bows tiny crochet by cornflowerbluestudio| 3. Amigurumi crochet telephone by zuperdzigh | 4. Bookmark animal series by DesaBoneka | 5. Crocheted shapes by sheepdeer | 6. Chevron cushion cover by A Crooked Sixpence | 7. Crocheted mushroom by Cimba

Un pò in ritardo, ma ci sono!

Ecco le mie “selezioni” settimanali, questa volta le ho scelte fra i migliori lavori fatti ad uncinetto e a maglia.

* Piccolo suggerimento
I lavori che vengono pubblicati in IB sono sempre scelti facendo attenzione alla qualità e all’originalità, ma anche alla qualità e bellezza della foto.

Ricordate che presentare i propri lavori attraverso una bella foto è una cosa importantissima, soprattutto nel web.

Attrae l’attenzione, da una bella prima impressione e fa si che le persone  (e quindi anche i bloggers) si innamorino di quello che stanno vedendo, e sarà molto più probabile che vorranno pubblicarli e condividerli a loro volta con i loro lettori ed amici.

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IB Flickr Group picks: A touch of handmade personality

Englisha touch of handmade personality  IB Flickr Group picks: A touch of handmade personality

a touch of handmade personality1  IB Flickr Group picks: A touch of handmade personality

1. Geometric necklaces by tashamck | 2. Knotted necklace by Hair of the Hare | 3. Geo earrings by Under a New Light | 4. Cloud brooch by señoritalauris | 5. Leaf Thumbprint Necklace by Fancy Free | 6. Retro Boat Charms Earrings by KalliasWonderland | 7. Sterling silver and marble leaf earrings by La Cravate Du Chien

Here’s my weekly picks from the group!

You know, women like to renew the “box of wonders” they have in their room so, inspired by this, I’ve made my wish list from the most beautiful works submitted by you.

The perfect accessories to give a touch of personality to our Saturdays!

Enjoy this one!

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Italianoa touch of handmade personality  IB Flickr Group picks: A touch of handmade personality

a touch of handmade personality1  IB Flickr Group picks: A touch of handmade personality

1. Geometric necklaces by tashamck | 2. Knotted necklace by Hair of the Hare | 3. Geo earrings by Under a New Light | 4. Cloud brooch by señoritalauris | 5. Leaf Thumbprint Necklace by Fancy Free | 6. Retro Boat Charms Earrings by KalliasWonderland | 7. Sterling silver and marble leaf earrings by La Cravate Du Chien

Ecco i miei lavori preferiti scelti dal gruppo per il tema di questa settimana.

Lo sapete che le donne amano rinnovare la “scatola delle meraviglie” che tengono nella loro stanza… e così, ispirata da questo, ho fatto la mia lista dei desideri scegliendo tra i lavori più belli inseriti da voi.

Gli accessori perfetti per dare un tocco di personalità ai nostri Sabati (e non solo)!

Intanto… godiamoci questo!

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IB Flickr Group picks: Creative Softness

Italianocreative softness  IB Flickr Group picks: Creative Softness

creative softness 2  IB Flickr Group picks: Creative Softness

1. Plush pickle goods by scrumptiousdelight | 2. Shy Fluffy by sheepdeer | 3. Maria Vittoria sculpted art doll by atelierpompadour | 4. Dumpling brooch by Ohioja | 5. St. TADA’s Hospital ER waiting room by TADA’s Revolution

E un pò di morbidezza fatta a mano…

Spero che la vostra giornata sia super creativa e… morbida! ;)

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IB Flickr Group picks: Let's work with paper!

EnglishHandmade with paper  IB Flickr Group picks: Let’s work with paper!

Handmade with paper 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Let’s work with paper!

1. Table stationery by Daily Suze | 2. Creatures Zine by Makkinoso | 3. Miniature Camille by paulamills | 4. Childhood Lotus earrings by Rely Design | 5. Feels like old times by Jamie Tao | 6. Pheasant Art Cards by J. L. Martin | 7. Frida group boxes by Heidi M Mcdonald

How many different things we can make with paper!
Collages, miniatures, cards, boxes and jewelry are just a little example.

The table stationary photo is adorable, an amazing atmosphere made taking care of every little detail and every combination of style and color between objects.

My attention was particularly captured also by the illustrations on the miniature boxes, so cute.

Any bright ideas looking at these works? I hope so! :)

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ItalianoHandmade with paper  IB Flickr Group picks: Let’s work with paper!

Handmade with paper 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Let’s work with paper!

1. Table stationery by Daily Suze | 2. Creatures Zine by Makkinoso | 3. Miniature Camille by paulamills | 4. Childhood Lotus earrings by Rely Design | 5. Feels like old times by Jamie Tao | 6. Pheasant Art Cards by J. L. Martin | 7. Frida group boxes by Heidi M Mcdonald

Quante belle cose si possono fare con la carta!
Collage, miniature, cartoline, scatole e gioielli ne sono solo un piccolo esempio.

La foto in alto con il tavolo allestito è adorabile, un’atmosfera bellissima creata curando ogni dettaglio e ogni abbinamento di stile e colore tra gli oggetti.

La mia attenzione è stata particolarmente catturata anche dalle illustrazioni sulle scatoline in miniatura della terza foto, bellissime.

Qualche brillante idea osservando questi lavori? Io spero di si! :)

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IB Flickr Group picks: Sweet and Shabby Chic for the Home

English2  IB Flickr Group picks: Sweet and Shabby Chic for the Home

1  IB Flickr Group picks: Sweet and Shabby Chic for the Home
1. Origami flowers composition by Liukse | 2. Teatowels by Mel Chadwick | 3. DIY: clay heart mobile By she.likes.cute | 4. Olha o passarinho By matilde beldroega | 5. Large vintage lace doily cushion cover by meeni2010 | 6. Pottery by tashamck | 7. Bumble Bee Trinket Box by oldworldprimitives

This week I made a selection of accessories designed to grace our homes and from which we can take inspiration for some DIY idea.

I found them sweet, elegant and dreamy.

I think you’re already dreaming about how to beautify that particular corner of your house…
I’m doing it!

In these days I’m dreaming about how I can embellish some corner of my Lab, it’s the funniest part, let’s say it!

Then, in the truth, I didn’t paint the walls yet! eheheh :)

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Italiano2  IB Flickr Group picks: Sweet and Shabby Chic for the Home

1  IB Flickr Group picks: Sweet and Shabby Chic for the Home

1. Origami flowers composition by Liukse | 2. Teatowels by Mel Chadwick | 3. DIY: clay heart mobile By she.likes.cute | 4. Olha o passarinho By matilde beldroega | 5. Large vintage lace doily cushion cover by meeni2010 | 6. Pottery by tashamck | 7. Bumble Bee Trinket Box by oldworldprimitives

Questa settimana ho voluto selezionare quel tipo di accessori che vengono creati per abbellire le nostre case, e dai quali si potesse prendere anche ispirazione per qualche idea DIY (fai da te).

Li trovo dolci, eleganti e “sognanti”.

State già fantasticando su come potreste abbellire quel particolare angolo della vostra casa? Io lo sto facendo!

In questi giorni mi ritrovo spesso sognante a pensare usu come potrei abbellire qualche angolo del mio Lab per renderlo più carino – e coccoloso, è la parte più divertente, diciamolo!

Che poi, in realtà, devo ancora imbiancare le pareti! eheheh :)

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IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration's styles and techniques. Be inspired!

EnglishIllustrations styles and techniques 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration’s styles and techniques. Be inspired!

Illustrations styles and techniques 2  IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration’s styles and techniques. Be inspired!

1. Ileana cosanzeana illustration by madi_andronic | 2. For the Love of Beards by paper_pal | 3. Light Mason by Vibrant Destruction | 4. Risografia illustration by Thierry Jaspart / Andalltha | 5. Midsummer night by ju.hu. | 6. Final project drawing by Gabriella@Barouch

They’re just my eyes, or even your are shining in front of such great beauty?
I’m totally shocked by these illustrations – can I say shocked? It’s so.

I wanted to group together a selection of works that were representative of different styles and techniques.

Guys for me this is pure inspiration.

I hope you’ll enjoy admiring them and would like to say also “studying” them. When I find great works of art, this is what I like to do: study and try to learn. I think observation can teach a lot.
Open these links one by one and… enjoy!

A titanic thanks to all the amazing Bloomers that share their creations with this community.
I’m loving you. Seriously.

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ItalianoIllustrations styles and techniques 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration’s styles and techniques. Be inspired!

Illustrations styles and techniques 2  IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration’s styles and techniques. Be inspired!

1. Ileana cosanzeana illustration by madi_andronic | 2. For the Love of Beards by paper_pal | 3. Light Mason by Vibrant Destruction | 4. Risografia illustration by Thierry Jaspart / Andalltha | 5. Midsummer night by ju.hu. | 6. Final project drawing by Gabriella@Barouch

Sono i miei occhi, o anche i vostri stanno sbarluccicando davati a cotanta bellezza?
Sono scioccata da queste illustrazioni – si può dire scioccata? E’ così.

Ho voluto raggruppare una selezione di lavori che fossero rappresentativi di differenti stili e tecniche.

Per me questa è pura ispirazione.

Spero che ve li godrete ammirandoli e, vorrei dire, anche “studiandoli”. Quando trovo lavori artistici meravigliosi, è questo quello che faccio: li studio e cerco di imparare. Credo che l’osservazione possa insegnare tanto.
Aprite questi links ad uno ad uno e… godeteveli!

Un grazie titanico a tutti i fantastici Bloomers che condividono le loro creazioni con questa community.
Vi amo. No, sul serio.

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IB Flickr Group picks: Fashion-able Vol. II

EnglishIB Flickr Group picks Fashion able 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Fashion-able Vol. II

IB Flickr Group picks Fashion able 2  IB Flickr Group picks: Fashion-able Vol. II

1. Geometry Tales – hexagon by Suz Sanchez | 2. Wood and sterling silver leaves studs by La Cravate Du Chien | 3. Library Pin by Tracey Meek | 4. Recycling damask – a bike bag by Madame Renard | 5. Don’t They Look Like Some Cookies? by Harem6 | 6. Sterling cedar cuff bracelet by bronzegirl1 | 7. Crochet work by sheepdeer

I saw all these beauties and didn’t resist: Fashion-able Vol. II!

Great works and great ideas.

A crazy happy week end to each of you!

I’m going to dress up and go out for a free concert tonight – and you? – wish me to have fun! :)

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ItalianoIB Flickr Group picks Fashion able 1  IB Flickr Group picks: Fashion-able Vol. II

IB Flickr Group picks Fashion able 2  IB Flickr Group picks: Fashion-able Vol. II

1. Geometry Tales – hexagon by Suz Sanchez | 2. Wood and sterling silver leaves studs by La Cravate Du Chien | 3. Library Pin by Tracey Meek | 4. Recycling damask – a bike bag by Madame Renard | 5. Don’t They Look Like Some Cookies? by Harem6 | 6. Sterling cedar cuff bracelet by bronzegirl1 | 7. Crochet work by sheepdeer

Ho visto tutte queste bellezze e non ho resistito: Fashion-able Vol. II!

Fantastici lavori, fantastiche idee.

Un week end pazzamente felice, o felicemente pazzo, ad ognuno di voi!

Io sto per andare a vestirmi, sta sera concerto gratuito dei Bandabardò – e voi? Auguratemi buon divertimento! ;)

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IB Flickr Group picks: Hand made to be worn

EnglishHandmade to be worn  IB Flickr Group picks: Hand made to be worn

The Handmade to Wear on You1  IB Flickr Group picks: Hand made to be worn

1. Flowered beard brooch by Pollaz | 2. Festival of India friendship bracelet by NauticalWheelerJewelry | 3. D O T com Knot Leather Tassel earrings by Under a New Light | 4. Purple Diamonds Studs by La Cravate Du Chien | 5. Delicious cotton candy brooch by irene | 6. Hand painted shoes by Fonzy Cirillo | 7. Shrink Plastic pins by Minifanfan Eng

Today I wanted a theme that was about all that things that girls love to wear.
Bracelets, necklaces, brooches, earrings and… could we miss the shoes?!?

Absolutely not!

And, in case it’s your first time landing in this blog, you must know that all these lovely things are entirely handmade.

Amazing. Don’t you think?

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ItalianoHandmade to be worn  IB Flickr Group picks: Hand made to be worn

The Handmade to Wear on You1  IB Flickr Group picks: Hand made to be worn

1. Flowered beard brooch by Pollaz | 2. Festival of India friendship bracelet by NauticalWheelerJewelry | 3. D O T com Knot Leather Tassel earrings by Under a New Light | 4. Purple Diamonds Studs by La Cravate Du Chien | 5. Delicious cotton candy brooch by irene | 6. Hand painted shoes by Fonzy Cirillo | 7. Shrink Plastic pins by Minifanfan Eng

Oggi volevo un tema che fosse su tutte quelle cose che le ragazze amano indossare.
Bracciali, collane, spille, orecchini e… potevano mancare le scarpe?!?

Ovviamente no!

E, in caso fosse la prima volta che approdi in questo blog, devi sapere che tutte questi adorabili accessori sono interamente fatti a mano.

Fantastici. Non trovi?

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