IB Flickr group picks: Creativity Can Be Curious

EnglishWolverine Boombotix speaker custom by TheGrossUncle  IB Flickr group picks: Creativity Can Be Curious

Creatively curious Handmade collection at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Creativity Can Be Curious

1. Wolverine – Boombotix custom speaker by TheGrossUncle | 2. Oven Gloves by Pollaz | 3. Flat crocheted cat by sheepdeer | 4. Sweet beasts by sweet bestiary | 5. Geometrical Pendant Necklace by Harem6 | 6. Found object and wire by Rowbone Studio

Often artists’ creativity can generate curious things and details.
And it’s one of my fav part in the process of creating: the unexpected!

{Psssst. Love the new larger layout of Flickr group’s Pool! Now I can see your works better even from the thumbnails :P }

Happy sunny week end guys!
Italian Hugs

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ItalianoWolverine Boombotix speaker custom by TheGrossUncle  IB Flickr group picks: Creativity Can Be Curious

Creatively curious Handmade collection at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Creativity Can Be Curious

1. Wolverine – Boombotix custom speaker by TheGrossUncle | 2. Oven Gloves by Pollaz | 3. Flat crocheted cat by sheepdeer | 4. Sweet beasts by sweet bestiary | 5. Geometrical Pendant Necklace by Harem6 | 6. Found object and wire by Rowbone Studio

Succede spesso che la creatività degli artisti generi cose e dettagli piuttosto curiosi.
Ed è una delle cose che preferisco del processo creativo: l’inaspettato che ne esce!

{Psssst. Avete visto la nuova interfaccia della galleria dei gruppi Flickr? Ora c’è più spazio per le immagini e potrò vedere i vostri lavori più in grande già dalle thumbnail. Mi piaaaace! :P }

Buon week end a tutti!
Un’abbraccio tutto italiano :)

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IB Flickr group picks: Styling your home with a crafty touch

EnglishVase by vogel en vlinder and art by sada Styling by ATLITW  IB Flickr group picks: Styling your home with a crafty touch

Styling your home with a crafty touch Handmade collection at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Styling your home with a crafty touch
1. Vase by vogel en vlinder, Art by sada, Arrangement by ATLITW | 2. Bloom embroidery by herbariodocolibri | 3. Anchor cushion by Forgotten Stitches | 4. Vintage fabric cushion by The Makings of Mrs.Bertimus | 5. World map clutch by Deva

Styling and arranging little corners of your home…
And the crafty touch that makes the difference!

Adorable works and photos guys. Thanks! :)

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ItalianoVase by vogel en vlinder and art by sada Styling by ATLITW  IB Flickr group picks: Styling your home with a crafty touch

Styling your home with a crafty touch Handmade collection at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Styling your home with a crafty touch
1. Vase by vogel en vlinder, Art by sada, Arrangement by ATLITW | 2. Bloom embroidery by herbariodocolibri | 3. Anchor cushion by Forgotten Stitches | 4. Vintage fabric cushion by The Makings of Mrs.Bertimus | 5. World map clutch by Deva

Creare uno stile e arredare gli angoli della tua casa…
E il tocco del “fatto a mano” che fa la differenza!

Bellissimi, sia i lavori che le foto. Grazie! :)

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IB Flickr group picks: Cyclone Spring Tone

EnglishStruggimento illustration by Mary and the teapot Cyclone spring tone picks at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Cyclone Spring Tone

Cyclone spring tone Handmade picks at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Cyclone Spring Tone

1. Struggimento illustration by Mary and the teapot | 2. Icosahedron bowl by sämyii | 3. Giant flowers felt brooch bu hanaletters | 4. Circles by HayleyWarnham | 5. A love of nature paint by The Secret Hermit1 | 6. Springishly Modern: Oh, Mint! Oh, Coral! necklace by rRradionica | 7. Hand-painted underwater cameras by Sofia Sousa Artista

Isn’t this a cyclone of spring tones?
Love the colors of this collection!

Adorable works (and many new bloomers in the group – YaY! :)

Happy springish week end guys!
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ItalianoStruggimento illustration by Mary and the teapot Cyclone spring tone picks at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Cyclone Spring Tone

Cyclone spring tone Handmade picks at Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr group picks: Cyclone Spring Tone

1. Struggimento illustration by Mary and the teapot | 2. Icosahedron bowl by sämyii | 3. Giant flowers felt brooch bu hanaletters | 4. Circles by HayleyWarnham | 5. A love of nature paint by The Secret Hermit1 | 6. Springishly Modern: Oh, Mint! Oh, Coral! necklace by rRradionica | 7. Hand-painted underwater cameras by Sofia Sousa Artista

Non sembra un ciclone di colori primaverili?
Adoro i colori di questa collezione di lavori!

Tutti bellissimi (e ci sono anche molti nuovi bloomerini nel gruppo – Yeeeee! :)

Felice week end di primavera amici!
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IB Flickr group picks: Dolls and Beasties together

EnglishNeckdolls by artoleria Handmade Dolls and Beasties together collection  IB Flickr group picks: Dolls and Beasties together

Dolls and Beasties together Imaginative Bloom weekly picks collection  IB Flickr group picks: Dolls and Beasties together

1. Doll Necklace by Artoleria | 2. Boris “the sweet warrior” by Rosy´s Page micasita house | 3. Wolf brooch by 609East | 4. Teardrop necklace by Tracey Meek | 5. Lavender tea creatures by Taylored Curiosities

This bright-neon yellow pic on the top of the collage looks like a sun that shines on the other creatures :)

Hope the week end is super shining and sunny all over the world!
Enjoy it! :))

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ItalianoNeckdolls by artoleria Handmade Dolls and Beasties together collection  IB Flickr group picks: Dolls and Beasties together

Dolls and Beasties together Imaginative Bloom weekly picks collection  IB Flickr group picks: Dolls and Beasties together

1. Doll Necklace by Artoleria | 2. Boris “the sweet warrior” by Rosy´s Page micasita house | 3. Wolf brooch by 609East | 4. Teardrop necklace by Tracey Meek | 5. Lavender tea creatures by Taylored Curiosities

Questo giallo neon-luminoso della foto in alto sembra un sole che splende su tutte le altre creature :)

Spero che il week end sia super luminoso e soleggiato in tutto il globo!
Godetevelo! :))

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IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world...

EnglishPhoto illustration by Jenny M Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

Drawing your world Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

1. Photo Illustration by Jenny M. | 2. Autobus illustration by Aurora Cacciapuoti | 3. Wind, rain and a pink flower by kitty jujube | 4. Egg boy by Tracey Meek | 5. We move mountains Postcard by Pinkrain Indie Design| 6. Windmills acrylic on board by rintintinneke | 7. Hilly hillage mixed media art by lizin8or

Ok, this time I felt in love with the photo-illustration you see at the top by Jenny M. and from it comes the theme of the week, and then pooof… all the other picks!

Love how she added digital illustrated details on the photo!
In an overview it gives the impression that it’s an entirely illustrated image. awwww.
Something reminds me to Amélie Poulain.

I love all these single works guys…
Bloomers are the best! (I know, I already said it… but it’s true, it’s your fault :P)

{ psssst. From tomorrow, Saturday 28th to the 1st of May, I’ll be out for a conference and I probably won’t have internet connection, or maybe for few minutes per day – but but but – I’ll do my best to keep reading all what you write and hopefully I’ll be albe to share something from my smart phone. I already know I’ll miss you ♥ }

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ItalianoPhoto illustration by Jenny M Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

Drawing your world Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

1. Photo Illustration by Jenny M. | 2. Autobus illustration by Aurora Cacciapuoti | 3. Wind, rain and a pink flower by kitty jujube | 4. Egg boy by Tracey Meek | 5. We move mountains Postcard by Pinkrain Indie Design| 6. Windmills acrylic on board by rintintinneke | 7. Hilly hillage mixed media art by lizin8or

Questa volta mi son innamorata della foto-illustrazione di Jenny M. Da quella è arrivato il tema della settimana, e poi da lì, puuuf… tutti gli altri ‘picks’!

Adoro il modo in cui ha aggiunto le illustrazioni digitali nella foto!
Ad uno sguardo d’insieme da l’impressione che l’immagine sia interamente illustrata.
In qualche modo mi ricorda Amélie Poulain.

Sono tutti davvero stupendi…
Bloomers, siete li meJo! (si, dai, qui nella versione Italiana mi sfogo un pò con qualche intercalare dialettale preso a random dalla nostra cara penisola, posso vé? :P)

{ psssst. Da domani, Sabato 28 Aprile all’ 1 Maggio, sarò fuori per un convegno e probabilmente non avrò la connessione internet, o davvero per poco – ma ma ma – farò il possibile per leggervi!! Forse riuscirò a pubblicare anche qualcosa dal mio scrausissimo, ma a volte fedele, smart phone. Giassò che mi mancherete ♥ }

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IB Flickr group picks: Sweet animals will conquer the world!

EnglishFish illustration by Romina i Morad  IB Flickr group picks: Sweet animals will conquer the world!

Sweet animals will conquer the world Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Sweet animals will conquer the world!

1. Fish illustration by Romina i Morad | 2. Felt brooch on a scarf by Mouseblossom | 3. Easter Bunny by kjmillar | 4. There’s a lot of birds people like to draw by Dear Mar | 5. Hey Mom card by My Zoetrope | 6. Hand painted snails by JooJoo | 7. Badger brooch by La Cravate Du Chien

Woooo! Today has been a messy day, my browser decided to stop to work and my PC would not collaborate.

Now I’m finally able to publish our weekly picks… phewww.

Do you like the theme of this week? Animals!
I personally love when we’re inspired by them on creative and artistic works :)

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ItalianoFish illustration by Romina i Morad  IB Flickr group picks: Sweet animals will conquer the world!

Sweet animals will conquer the world Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Sweet animals will conquer the world!

1. Fish illustration by Romina i Morad | 2. Felt brooch on a scarf by Mouseblossom | 3. Easter Bunny by kjmillar | 4. There’s a lot of birds people like to draw by Dear Mar | 5. Hey Mom card by My Zoetrope | 6. Hand painted snails by JooJoo | 7. Badger brooch by La Cravate Du Chien

Woooo! Oggi è stata una giornata difficile, il browser aveva deciso di smettere di funzionare e il pc non collaborava.

Ora finalmente riesco a  pubblicare i picks settimanali dal gruppo… fiùùùù.

Vi piace il tema della settimana? Animali!
Io personalmente amo quando ci si ispira a loro nei lavori creativi ed artistici :)

Imaginative Bloom Flickr Group banner

IB Flickr Group picks: Rounded, squared and fished!

EnglishHandmade sardinha by Herb rio do colobri  IB Flickr Group picks: Rounded, squared and fished!

Rounded squared and fished Handmade collection by Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr Group picks: Rounded, squared and fished!

1. Handmade sardinha by Herbàrio do colobri | 2. Garland cubes origami by giochi di carta | 3. Stripy man brooch by Yellow f | 4. Handmade gratitude stamps by Marta Quílez | 5. Geometric studs by ribizla | 6. Sun King Wall Sculpture by waltersilvausa | 7. Handmade recycled notebook by Madame Renard

And these are my picks A.K.A. the works that I liked more this week among all the lovely creations you submitted on the group!

Each one of these is inspiring me something.
You’re incredible guys!!

Please, don’t forget to spread about all these handmade wonders: click now on the share buttons below! :)
Thanks a lot for helping me to support the handmade community (and so IB too)!

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ItalianoHandmade sardinha by Herb rio do colobri  IB Flickr Group picks: Rounded, squared and fished!

Rounded squared and fished Handmade collection by Imaginative Bloom  IB Flickr Group picks: Rounded, squared and fished!

1. Handmade sardinha by Herbàrio do colobri | 2. Garland cubes origami by giochi di carta | 3. Stripy man brooch by Yellow f | 4. Handmade gratitude stamps by Marta Quílez | 5. Geometric studs by ribizla | 6. Sun King Wall Sculpture by waltersilvausa | 7. Handmade recycled notebook by Madame Renard

E questi sono i miei ‘picks’, A.K.A. i lavori che mi sono piaciuti di più questa settimana tra tutte le adorabili creazioni che avete pubblicato nel gruppo!

Ognuno di questi mi ispira  un’idea, un dettaglio, nuove sperimentazioni.
Siete incredibili!!

Non dimenticatevi di divulgare queste meraviglie handmade: cliccate subito qui sotto sui bottoni ‘condividi’! :)
Grazie di cuore di aiutarmi a supportare la comunità handmade (e anche IB!)

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IB Flickr group picks: Sew and Decorate!

EnglishVintage bird print brooch by xxxredstichtxxx Imaginative Bloom Flickr group  IB Flickr group picks: Sew and Decorate!

Sew and Decorate Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Sew and Decorate!
1. Vintage bird print brooch by xxxredstitchxxx | 2. Girl and balloon bespoke book by loveandpeas | 3. Mini art quilt by cornflowerbluestudio | 4. White and grey hair barrettes by Artoleria | 5. Embroidered zipper purse by the blue rabbit house | 6. Radiography of a mint rabbit felt brooch by hanaletters | 7. The hedgehog tote canvas bag by Latenightdrawing

This week I picked the best handmade works related to sewing and decorating.
Aren’t them adorable? I can’t chose one single fav.

Wish you all a happy Easter week end! :)
Warm hugs

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ItalianoVintage bird print brooch by xxxredstichtxxx Imaginative Bloom Flickr group  IB Flickr group picks: Sew and Decorate!

Sew and Decorate Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Sew and Decorate!
1. Vintage bird print brooch by xxxredstitchxxx | 2. Girl and balloon bespoke book by loveandpeas | 3. Mini art quilt by cornflowerbluestudio | 4. White and grey hair barrettes by Artoleria | 5. Embroidered zipper purse by the blue rabbit house | 6. Radiography of a mint rabbit felt brooch by hanaletters | 7. The hedgehog tote canvas bag by Latenightdrawing

Questa settimana ho ‘pickato’ i migliori alvori handmade legati al cucire e al decorare.
Non sono carinissimi? Non saprei scegliere un solo preferito.

Vi auguro un felice week end di Pasqua :)

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IB Flickr Group picks: Red Spots

EnglishWood sculpture by pipapiep  IB Flickr Group picks: Red Spots

Senza titolo 5  IB Flickr Group picks: Red Spots

1. Wood sculpture by pipapiep | 2. Ceramic Brooch Porky Pink by evdokia/haveakookie | 3. Girl portrait magnet by Ireneagh | 4. Hand painted dolls by Tracey Meek | 5. Embroidered pins herbário do colibri

How sweet and original are these works?
And count that the red is not even among my favorite colors!

Also this week many new colorful Bloomers joined us on the Flickr group…
So let’s welcome them all to IBland!! :))

Untill Monday, see  you on *IBsocialspaces* guys,
happy puppy week end!
Imaginative Bloom Flickr Group banner

ItalianoWood sculpture by pipapiep  IB Flickr Group picks: Red Spots

Senza titolo 5  IB Flickr Group picks: Red Spots

1. Wood sculpture by pipapiep | 2. Ceramic Brooch Porky Pink by evdokia/haveakookie | 3. Girl portrait magnet by Ireneagh | 4. Hand painted dolls by Tracey Meek | 5. Embroidered pins herbário do colibri

Ma quanto sono carini e particolari questi lavori?
E contate che il rosso non è nemmeno tra i miei colori preferiti!

Anche questa settimana ci hanno raggiunto nel gruppo Flickr tanti nuovi e colorati Bloomers… (grazie!)
Diamogli un bel benvnuto sulla nostra piccola IBland!! :))

Aspettando Lunedì, ci si vede negli *IBsocialspaces*,
happy puppy week end!
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IB Flickr Group picks: The sweetness of handmade dolls

EnglishHandmade cute dolls by Sweetnellie Imaginative Bloom Flickr group  IB Flickr Group picks: The sweetness of handmade dolls

The sweetness of handmade dolls Imaginative Bloom Flickr group  IB Flickr Group picks: The sweetness of handmade dolls

1. Crepe Paper Peep + Hermione by Sweetnellie | 2. I love cherries by Garboodles Soup | 3. Oskar Proving Boys Can Wear Jumpsuits by Lou Lou and Oscar | 4. Tag-a-long doll from wee wonderfuls by gervaise-lab | 5. Sweet doll by lelelere

Here we are with the picks of the week from our blooming group on Flickr!

Today it’s dedicated to the dolls. Aren’t the handmade ones the cutest and sweetest?

Pssst! Know that everyone can submit his handmade works on the group.
I select the best ones each week to publish them straight here to the blog.

We are already more than 1.600 on Flickr. Can’t wait to see your creations too! :)

In the meantime… have a great and inspiring week end!

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ItalianoHandmade cute dolls by Sweetnellie Imaginative Bloom Flickr group  IB Flickr Group picks: The sweetness of handmade dolls

The sweetness of handmade dolls Imaginative Bloom Flickr group  IB Flickr Group picks: The sweetness of handmade dolls

1. Crepe Paper Peep + Hermione by Sweetnellie | 2. I love cherries by Garboodles Soup | 3. Oskar Proving Boys Can Wear Jumpsuits by lou Lou and Oscar | 4. Tag-a-long doll from wee wonderfuls by gervaise-lab | 5. Sweet doll by lelelere

Eccoci qui con i ‘picks’ della settimana dal nostro blooming group su Flickr!

Oggi è dedicato alle ‘bambole‘. Trovo che quelle handmade abbiano una marcia in più, sono dolcissime!

Pssst! Lo sai che chiunque può pubblicare i propri lavori handmade nel gruppo?
Seleziono i più carini ed originali ogni settimana e finiscono dritti qui nel blog.

Siamo già più di 1.600 su Flickr, non vedo l’ora di vedere anche i tuoi! :)

Nel frattempo… auguro a tutti un week end pieno di ispirazione creativa!

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