Atelier pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

EnglishI loved her works since the first time I saw them. I’m talking about Atelier Pompadour. These soft clouds are absolutely lovely and if I could I fill my room with tens of them. Clouds all around hanging from the ceiling and… what a wonderful world!

tile  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

4478730566 b4a577b7dd b  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

4675798326 f1411f6e64 b  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

4322801283 699dee88fd o  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

On her shop you can find also other beautiful creations, made of fabric and other materials, such as metro world map pillows and paper globe ornament. Atelier Pompadour is also on facebook, so don’t miss to join and follow it there too.

ItalianoHo amato i suoi lavori dalla prima volta che li ho visti. Sto parlando di Atelier Pompadour. Queste morbide nuvolette sono assolutamente adorabili e se potessi ne riempirei la mia stanza a decine. Nuvole tutt’ intorno che penzolano dal soffitto… che mondo meraviglioso!

tile  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

4478730566 b4a577b7dd b  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

4675798326 f1411f6e64 b  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

4322801283 699dee88fd o  Atelier Pompadour, beautiful and made in Italy

Nel suo negozio potete trovare altre belle creazioni, fatte di stoffa e altri materiali, come il cuscini con le mappe delle metro e ornamenti in globi di carta . Atelier Pompadour è anche in facebook, perciò non dimenticate di seguirla anche lì.

Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

Englishcandle  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

Bird houses  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

cards  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

cakes  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

These sweet vintage creations come from Jenny Heid, an artist/designer from New Jersey. She has been designing and painting furniture and home accessories for years together with her boyfriend Aaron.

Their designs have been on pages of  magazines such as Country Living, Country Home, Woman’s Day decorating ideas, Design New Jersey, Romantic Homes, Somerset Life, The New York Times Magazine, and were featured on NBC’s The Today Show with Matt Lauer.

Wow! What else? Go and take a look at their ‘Everyday is a holiday‘ blog and flickr page!

Italianocandle  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

Bird houses  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

cards  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

cakes  Sweet vintage by Jenny and Aaron

Queste dolci creazioni dal retrogusto vintage provengono da Jenny Heid, un artista/designer del New Jersey. Ha progettato e dipinto mobili e accessori per la casa per anni insieme al fidanzato Aaron.

I loro disegni sono stati nelle pagine di riviste come Country Living, Country Home, Woman’s Day decorating ideas, Design New Jersey, Romantic Homes, Somerset Life, The New York Times Magazine, e sono stati presentati al NBC’s The Today Show con Matt Lauer.

Wow! Che altro? Potete visitare il loro ‘Everyday is a holiday‘ blog e la pagina flickr!

Clock finds: my today's top 5


il fullxfull 144940906  Clock finds: my today’s top 5Fishy Boy pendulum clock by AllenDesignsStudio

il fullxfull 146983163  Clock finds: my today’s top 5White Bird Art Clock by OldNewAgain

il fullxfull 108508021 tris  Clock finds: my today’s top 5Cuckoo Clock by Katesutton

il fullxfull 1488075271  Clock finds: my today’s top 5Chalet clock – tea party by oddbuttons

il fullxfull 150549707  Clock finds: my today’s top 5Ceramic Clock by mbartstudios


il fullxfull 144940906  Clock finds: my today’s top 51. Fishy Boy pendulum clock di AllenDesignsStudio

il fullxfull 146983163  Clock finds: my today’s top 52. White Bird Art Clock di OldNewAgain

il fullxfull 108508021 tris  Clock finds: my today’s top 53. Cuckoo Clock di Katesutton

il fullxfull 1488075271  Clock finds: my today’s top 54. Chalet clock – tea party di oddbuttons

il fullxfull 150549707  Clock finds: my today’s top 55. Ceramic Clock di mbartstudios

Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

Englishcoppia  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

MP SCRT FRNDS MNSTR  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

222  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

tre  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

The artists I want to feature today on IB are the creators of these Special Custom Plush & Jewelery: Attina Nuraini (Creator & Pattern designer) and Evan Driyananda (Graphic Designer & Technical Application).
They’re Mannequin Plastic. You can find Mannequin Plastic also on facebook.

I think that their works perfectly fit the fashion style that today is often associated to the ‘indie’ scene while being very original in their genre. I found interesting both the study of the use of shapes, patterns, materials, and the way to display their works on stuffed hands and eye catching logos that further enrich the brand’s image.

These important details deserve attention, but are often underestimated by those who create a product and its image. They become essential today, even more for products that are also present on the web.

What do you think about this for your own personal experience?

Italianocoppia  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

MP SCRT FRNDS MNSTR  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

222  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

tre  Plush jewelry by Mannequin Plastic

Gli artigiani di cui parlo oggi in IB sono i creatori di questi ‘gioielli: Attina Nuraini (Creator & Pattern designer) e Evan Driyananda (Graphic Designer & Technical Application).
Loro sono Mannequin Plastic. Puoi trovare Mannequin Plastic anche in facebook.

Penso che le loro creazioni si adattino perfettamente allo stile che nella moda oggi è spesso associato alla scena ‘indie’  pur essendo molto originali nel loro genere. Ho trovato interessante sia lo studio dell’ uso di forme, modelli, materiali, che il modo di esporre le loro opere su delle mani imbottite ed un accattivante logo che arricchiscono ulteriormente l’ immagine del marchio.

Questi importanti dettagli meritano attenzione, ma spesso vengono sottovalutati da chi crea un prodotto e la sua immagine. Diventano indispensabili oggi, e lo sono ancora di più per prodotti che sono presenti anche sul web.

Cosa ne pensi in base alla tua esperienza personale in merito?

Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

Englishnecklace  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

magnets  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

stickers  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

notebooks2  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

There is a pin who says “please do feed the bears“. Oh yes, I’ll do! How to resist to those cute hairy faces?
These beautiful things come from the Crafty FOLK shop.

The wooden Leica camera and typewriter pins are two of my favs too. I’m always fascinated from patterns and I particularly love the handmade style on strokes both on patterns that on designs.
The blog announce some new projects arriving soon,  such as for new set of notebooks and a wallet. Mmmm we’ll see! :)

Italianonecklace  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

magnets  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

stickers  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

notebooks2  Crafty Folk: vintage and woody

C’è una spilla che dice “per favore date da mangiare agli orsi“. Si, lo farò! Come resistere a queste faccione pelose?
Questi oggetti vengono dal negozio Crafty FOLK.

Le spille in legno della fotocamera Leica e la macchiana da scrivere sono fra le mie preferite. Sono sempre affascianta da questi motivi e mi piace particolarmente lo stile ‘fatto a mano’ del tratto.
Il blog annuncia nuovi progetti in arrivo, come nuovi set di notebook e un portafoglio. Mmmm stiamo a vedere! :)

Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

EnglishToday I have for you these beautiful ceramics that surely stand out for their vibrant colors and mix of styles. Designs are perfectly merged together to create an original fusion between vintage and modern.

Nina creates all this is under the name of Ninainvorm. She’s a 27-year-old Dutch student with the passion for interior design, art and craft.

Ninainvorm  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Ninainvorm2  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Ninainvorm4  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Ninainvorm5  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

The re-decorated parts are screenprinted with Nina own designs and then fired on a high temperature for ceramics. Birds, drops, clouds, flowers, dots, geometric designs… The shop is a tidbit for the eyes!

ItalianoOggi per voi ho queste bellissime ceramiche che spiccano per i loro vibranti colori e mix di stili. I design sono perfettamente accostati per creare un originale fusione tra vintage e moderno.

Nina crea tutto ciò sotto al nome di Ninainvorm. E’ una studentessa olandese di 27 anni con la passione per l’ interior design, l’arte e l’artigianato.

Ninainvorm  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Ninainvorm2  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Ninainvorm4  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Ninainvorm5  Mix of styles in the ceramics by Ninainvorm

Le parti ri-decorate sono serigrafate con design che Nina stessa crea e poi cotte alle alte temperature per la ceramica.  Uccelli, goccie, nuvole, fiori, pois, disegni geometrici… Lo shop è una vera leccornia per gli occhi!

Face pillows by Paola Colombo

Englishpillow41  Face pillows by Paola Colombo

pillow22  Face pillows by Paola Colombo

pillow3  Face pillows by Paola Colombo

What a nice pieces of art to have perched on the bed! Creative stuffed pillows with funny faces lovely sewed on.
These works by Paola Colombo immediately caught my attention.
I suggest to surf her flickr space ’cause she has done other interesting works. I epecially loved the Trittici and Polaroid sets.
Paola’s site is coming soon and I’m curious to see it together with her next works. I think to represent a common wish saying that we’d love to see an online shop for all these beautiful creations.

Italianopillow41  Face pillows by Paola Colombo

pillow22  Face pillows by Paola Colombo

pillow3  Face pillows by Paola Colombo

Che bei pezzi d’arte da tenere appollaiati sul letto! Cuscini imbottiti con facce simpatiche amorevolmente cucite sopra.
Questi lavori di Paola Colombo hanno catturato subito la mia attenzione.
Vi consiglio di gironzolare nel suo spazio flickr perchè ci sono molti altri interessanti lavori. Mi sono piaciuti particolarmente quelli nei set Trittici e Polaroid.
Il sito web di Paola sarà presto online e sono curiosa di vederlo e di vedere i suoi prossimi lavori. Pensodi rappresentare un desiderio comune dicendo che ci paicerebbe vedere tutti questi bei lavori in uno shop online.

Jared Andrew Schorr

Englishonehundred1  Jared Andrew Schorr

3932676056 843e0430dc o  Jared Andrew Schorr

Dog  Jared Andrew Schorr

tkaa opening 04  Jared Andrew Schorr

Today I’ve found for you these fab paper works by Jared Andrew Schorr.

I personally have a special love for paper as material to work with and I definitely think that it has endless possibility about how it can be used.  These sort of 3D drawings are so charming to me.

Besides than be creative with the subject, it needs to be good with the study of  the ‘how to’ transform it into cut pieces of paper that give the right sense to shapes and depth. Wonderful.

Italianoonehundred1  Jared Andrew Schorr

3932676056 843e0430dc o  Jared Andrew Schorr

Dog  Jared Andrew Schorr

tkaa opening 04  Jared Andrew Schorr

Oggi per voi ho trovato questi fantastici lavori con la carta di Jared Andrew Schorr.

Io ho un amore particolare per la carta come materiale di lavoro, e penso che abbia davvero infinite possibilità su come possa essere utilizzato. Trovo molto affascinanti questi ‘disegni 3D’.
Oltre che essere creativi con il soggetto del disegno stesso, necessitano della capacità di trasformare l’idea in pezzi di carta tagliata che dia il giusto senso alle forme e alla profondità. Meraviglioso.

Beatrice Holiday - wheel cute couture


Beatrice Holiday wheel couture

Beatrice Holiday wheel couture

beatrice holiday handlebar bag1  Beatrice Holiday – wheel cute couture

handlebar bag photo  Beatrice Holiday – wheel cute couture

Behind these creative bike’s accessories there is Beatrice Holiday.

Cruising around the neighborhood is something that is second nature to me living in sunny Denver, Colorado. It’s just part of my everyday routine… so naturally I wanted to pimp out my ride a bit!

Because of the  hight number of lost things slipped out of  pockets or fallen during her rides, she  decided to create a line of Cruiser Handlebar Bags, Basket Liners and matching Seat Covers crafted out of vintage upholstery & vinyl that really  will make your cruiser stand out from the pack!

Enjoy these funky-vintage recycled accessories for bike riding lovers also on the Etsy shop.


Beatrice Holiday wheel couture

Beatrice Holiday wheel couture

beatrice holiday handlebar bag1  Beatrice Holiday – wheel cute couture

handlebar bag photo  Beatrice Holiday – wheel cute couture

Dietro a questi accessori da bicicletta c’è Beatrice Holiday.

Pedalare in giro per il quartiere è qualcosa che fa parte della mia seconda natura vivendo nell’assolata Denver, in Colorado. E’ parte della mia quotidianità…  così semplicemente ho voluto elaborare un pò la mia bici!

A causa dell’alto numero di oggetti perduti, scivolati dalle tasche o caduti durante i suoi giri, ha deciso di creare una linea di Borse da Manubrio, rivestimenti per i Cesti e relativi Copri Sedile realizzati a mano in tappezzeria di vinile vintage che portano davvero la tua pedalata ‘fuori dal coro’!

Godetevi questi accessori funky-vintage in stoffa riciclata fatti apposta per gli amanti delle pedalate, anche sul suo Etsy shop.

Jason Limon


4089415259 34a5c3d79b o 1600x12001  Jason Limon

2993338346 2054651d8e o 1600x12001  Jason Limon

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3988427180 b45937efeb o 1600x1200  Jason Limon

Fab paintings by Jason Limon from Texas. He paints also on wood and makes cool customs.

You can find other works and admire his particular style also on Flickr and Facebook.


4089415259 34a5c3d79b o 1600x12001  Jason Limon

2993338346 2054651d8e o 1600x12001  Jason Limon

4335375874 3da82242c2 o 1600x1200  Jason Limon

3988427180 b45937efeb o 1600x1200  Jason Limon

Favolosi lavori di Jason Limon dal Texas. Dipinge anche sul legno e fa bellissimi customs.

Puoi trovare altri suoi lavori e ammirare il suo particolare stile anche in Flickr e Facebook.

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