IB Flickr group picks: Imaginary eyes to hug

EnglishJoao Gilberto Duplo by Aline Tercete Fabric doll  IB Flickr group picks: Imaginary eyes to hug

Dolls and characters to hug Imaginative Bloom group picks1  IB Flickr group picks: Imaginary eyes to hug

1. Joao Gilberto Duplo fabric toy by Aline Tercete | 2. Art dolls by The Secret Hermit1 | 3. Clara and the moon doll by Forgotten Stitches | 4. Summer the little white bird doll by Quinn 68 | 5. Gretel Creation collage by Gretel Creation

This week the theme is all about imaginary handmade creatures.

They’re all adorable and we also have two new IB-ers in the picks. YaY!

Aline Tercete and Gretel Creation. Welcome on the IB creative tribe guys :)

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ItalianoJoao Gilberto Duplo by Aline Tercete Fabric doll  IB Flickr group picks: Imaginary eyes to hug

Dolls and characters to hug Imaginative Bloom group picks1  IB Flickr group picks: Imaginary eyes to hug

1. Joao Gilberto Duplo fabric toy by Aline Tercete | 2. Art dolls by The Secret Hermit1 | 3. Clara and the moon doll by Forgotten Stitches | 4. Summer the little white bird doll by Quinn 68 | 5. Gretel Creation collage by Gretel Creation

Questa settimana il tema è tutto dedicato alle “creature immaginarie fatte a mano“.

Tutte adorabili, vero? e abbiamo anche due nuovi IB-ers nel collage. YaY!

Aline Tercete e Gretel Creation. Benvenute nella nostra tribù creativa :)

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