Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

EnglishHandmade ceramics by Nathalie Choux  Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

Handmade ceramics by Nathalie Choux 1  Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

Handmade ceramics by Nathalie Choux 2  Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

Some time ago I featured two artists that often make projects together. They were Nathalie Choux and Lili Scratchy.

Today I’m here to introduce some ceramic works by Nathalie Choux, directly from her site and her blog.

Useless to say why I decided to dedicate her a new entire post.
So sweet, so whimsical. Uber imaginative!

ItalianoHandmade ceramics by Nathalie Choux  Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

Handmade ceramics by Nathalie Choux 1  Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

Handmade ceramics by Nathalie Choux 2  Handmade whimsical ceramics by Nathalie Choux

Un pò di tempo fa ho parlato di due artiste che realizzano spesso dei progetti creativi insieme. Erano Nathalie Choux e Lili Scratchy.

Oggi voglio mostrarvi alcuni lavori in ceramica di Nathalie Choux, direttamente dal suo sito e dal suo blog.

Inutile dire per quale motivo abbia deciso di dedicarle un intero nuovo articolo.
Così dolce, stravagante… Una extra dose di fantasia!

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