IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

English13  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

tile  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

1. Hi How Are You by Minifanfan Eng | 2. Aviator sculpture by crescent hill designs | 3. Wilmot the Whale by heartwares | 4. Grobb by RunnyCustard | 5. Handmade Spun Cotton Pug Ornament by OldWorldPrimitives | 6. Industrial and Found Object Assemblage Sculpture from CyberCraft Robots | 7. Fennel by Tiny Oyster Designs

Oh dear, the creatures that dwell into your brains are really singular guys!!

Saying you have a vivid imagination is an understatement. I think it’s also dressed with a (healthy) pinch of madness.

And you perfectly know that I love you for this!

Can’t describe all the little things I like of these works (the post will become endless), simply amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us in the group.

Happy week end my little geniuses, today I’ll observe you from the beach… I bet you, be good! ;)

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Italiano13  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

tile  IB Flickr Group picks: The rummy creatures of your brain

1. Hi How Are You by Minifanfan Eng | 2. Aviator sculpture by crescent hill designs | 3. Wilmot the Whale by heartwares | 4. Grobb by RunnyCustard | 5. Handmade Spun Cotton Pug Ornament by OldWorldPrimitives | 6. Industrial and Found Object Assemblage Sculpture from CyberCraft Robots | 7. Fennel by Tiny Oyster Designs

Oh mamma, le creature che albergano le vostre menti sono davvero singolari ragazzi!!

Dire che avete una vivida immaginazione è un eufemismo. E credo sia pure condita da una (sana) dose di follia.

Lo sapete perfettamente che io vi amo per questo!

Non posso soffermarmi a descrivere tutte le piccole cose che mi hanno colpito di questi lavori (diventerebbe un articolo lunghissimo), meravigliosi! Grazie di condividerli con tutti noi nel gruppo.

Un felice week end miei piccoli geni, oggi vi osserverò dalla spiaggia… fate i bravi! ;)

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