Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

English11  Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

3  Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

22  Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

Look at the embroidered details of these handmade works.

They’re made by the designer Lotte Bongers from Holland. I love the concept behind the elements she put together.

The gun attacked at the hinge that hanging down points the deer… brilliant!

See all the other creations at Lotte’s Squirrellicious Etsy Shop. To connected with her on Twitter go here.

Italiano11  Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

3  Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

22  Squirrellicious by Lotte Bongers

Guarda i dettagli ricamati a mano in questi lavori.

Sono fatti dalla designer Lotte Bongers dall’Olanda. Mi piace il concept che sta dietro agli elementi che ha messo insieme.

Il fucile attaccato alla cerniera che penzolando punta sul cervo… geniale!

Trovi tutte le altre creazioni di Lotte allo Squirrellicious Etsy Shop. Per connetterti con lei su Twitter vai qui.

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