Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

Englishjewiseha3  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

jewiseha1  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

jewiseha2  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

jewiseha5  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

In these period I’m in love with all the possible variations of geometric shapes.

Really like these works that Janelle Wisehart is selling on her Lepidoptery Etsy Shop.

She creates these amazing jewelry with all these small and big triangles, and the combinations of colors she use give it the magic final touch.

What do you think?

Do you like wearing geometric shaped jewelry and accessories?

Italianojewiseha3  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

jewiseha1  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

jewiseha2  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

jewiseha5  Lepidoptery by Janelle Wisehart

In questo periodo mi sento innamorata di tutte le possibili varianti delle forme geometriche.

Mi piacciono proprio questi lavori che Janelle Wisehart vende nel suo Lepidoptery Etsy Shop.

Crea questi fantastici gioielli con tutte questi piccoli e grandi triangoli, e la combinazione dei colori che usa gli da il tocco magico finale.

Che ne pensi?

Ti piace indossare gioielli e accessori dalle forme geometriche?

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