IB Flickr Group picks: Handcrafted Faces and Expressions

English1  IB Flickr Group picks: Handcrafted Faces and Expressions

tile2  IB Flickr Group picks: Handcrafted Faces and Expressions

1. Three little girls by Nicolaclare1 | 2. Illustration Friday Chicken by ju.hu. | 3. Flowered beard by pollaz | 4. Virginia by loopy boopy | 5. The World-Weary Woman by Nellie Windmill | 6. Mask #1 by Rui.Ribeiro | 7. Faces by cimba (a Carmen Praxedes project) | 8. Wishful thinking sewed portrait by Pylonautin | 9. Musa by Krysthopher Woods

Lately I’m attracted by every kind of hand crafted work that represent faces and facial expressions. So I wanted to choose this theme for my weekly picks in the IB Flickr Group.
It’s not always easy to create something that has the exact expression that we have in mind. But artists can do this and much much more!

My wishes for a creatively exciting week end to all the lovely Bloomers that come to visit IB!

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Italiano1  IB Flickr Group picks: Handcrafted Faces and Expressions

tile2  IB Flickr Group picks: Handcrafted Faces and Expressions

1. Three little girls by Nicolaclare1 | 2. Illustration Friday Chicken by ju.hu. | 3. Flowered beard by pollaz | 4. Virginia by loopy boopy | 5. The World-Weary Woman by Nellie Windmill | 6. Mask #1 by Rui.Ribeiro | 7. Faces by cimba (progetto di Carmen Praxedes) | 8. Wishful thinking sewed portrait by Pylonautin | 9. Musa by Krysthopher Woods

Ultimamente sono attratta da ogni tipo di lavoro artigianale che rappresenta visi ed espressioni facciali. Perciò questa settimana ho voluto renderlo un tema su cui basare la selezione dei più bei lavori del Gruppo IB in Flickr.
Non è sempre facile creare qualcosa che abbia l’esatta espressione che abbiamo in mente e che vogliamo ricreare. Ma gli artisti sanno fare questo e molto molto altro!

Auguro un week end creativamente esaltante a tutti gli adorabili “Bloomers” che vengono sempre a trovarci qui in IB!

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