Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

EnglishLisa Kesler67  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Lisa Kesler45  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Lisa Kesler3  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Lisa Kesler8  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

I found these amazing houses by Lisa Kesler and couldn’t resist from writing an article about them.

They’re made out of wood and then painted on all four sides, each one printed with a different original image from one of her hand-carved linoleum blocks. They’re signed on the bottom and varnished, and have a notch cut into the back for hanging.

Lisa in on Etsy as Cornflower Press and has a facebook fan page too.

Those hand-carved blocks must be enough labourious to do. 
Some time ago I tried to carve a linoleum too, but I had some troubles with the carving tools. Probably I should spend a little more for a higher quality, because my cheap instruments don’t seem to cut so well. And certainly, I also need to practice. I suppose I can’t give all the blame to the tools! yah. Poor scapegoats.

Do you have some successful or tragicomic experience of carving to share? :)

ItalianoLisa Kesler67  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Lisa Kesler45  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Lisa Kesler3  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Lisa Kesler8  Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses

Ho trovato queste fantastiche casette di Lisa Kesler e non ho potuto resistere dal farci subito un articoletto.

Sono di legno e dipinte in tutti i lati, ognuno stampato con una differente ed originale immagine da uno dei suoi blocchi di linoleum incisi a mano. Sono firmate sul fondo e verniciate, e hanno un incavo sul retro per poter essere anche appese.

Lisa è in Etsy come Cornflower Press e ha anche una pagina facebook .

Questi blocchi devono esser stati laboriosi da incidere.
Un pò di tempo fa ho provato anche io ad incidere nel linoleum, ma ho avuto qualceh difficoltà con gli strumenti. Probabilmente avrei dovuto spendere un pò di più per averli di una qualità migliore, perchè i miei strumentini economici non sembravano tagliare molto bene.  Sicuramente ho anche bisogno di far pratica. Non diamo tutta la colpa agli strumenti! Poveri capri espiatori.

Voi avete qualche esperienza positiva o tragicomica in merito da condividere? :)

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3 comments to Lisa Kesler and her wooden houses
  • @ Celestefrittata: Yes, the erasers are softer, but I only found small eraser till now, for this I tried the linoleum :-/

    @ Lisa: Is exciting to have your works on IB too, Lisa!
    Please if one day you’ll want to share with us some tutorial etc, feel free to drop me a line.
    IB is always searching for talented artists who have some nice tuts and tips to share (then, if they’re exclusive for the IB readers, it’s even greater!) :D

    And thanks so much for stopping by and comment! :)

  • How exciting to have my little wooden houses featured on this wonderful blog!! They are so much fun to make. I love designing and printing the images to be mounted on each side.

  • Similar experience… probably the linoleum I used was too thin: I made a mess! Maybe you could try using rubber erasers, the rubber is soft and it’s definitely easier to carve.

    These houses are amazing and so her prints! great find